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COVID and Student Life: What will colleges look like this fall?

It’s been a minute since COVID has taken over our world, and it has been longer than a minute since we’ve officially been “back to school”. 

Next week, Tampa Bay area colleges will be opening their doors to a very different school environment. Some students will report back to brick and mortar campuses, while some will report online. COVID has disrupted almost everything related to college students’ activities, housing, on-campus jobs, ways students gather on campus, and of course, the way they are expected to learn and integrate academic material. And that’s just brushing the surface of all the ways this pandemic will impact college.

Below are direct links to local colleges and their official back-to-school plans:

Hillsborough Community College

St. Petersburg College

University of South Florida – Tampa campus

University of South Florida – St. Petersburg campus

In another format, Davidson College recently created a dashboard of fall reopening plans of nearly 3,000 colleges. A link to each college’s COVID re-opening plan can be accessed by clinking on the colored dot on the map.

Many colleges are allowing students back on campus, local colleges included. This recent article highlights how colleges are setting up student life in a way that  keeps students safe.

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